Section: New Results

Network measurement, modeling and understanding

Participants : Chadi Barakat, Roberto Cascella, Mohamed Ali Kaafar, Imed Lassoued, Arnaud Legout, Ashwin Rao, Mohamad Jaber, Amir Krifa, Mauricio Jost.

The main objective of our work in this domain is a better monitoring of the Internet and a better control of its resources. We work on new measurement techniques that scale with the fast increase in Internet traffic and growth of its size. We propose solutions for a fast and accurate identification of Internet traffic based on packet size statistics and host profiles. Within the ECODE FP7 project, we work on a network-wide monitoring architecture that, given a measurement task to perform, tune the monitors inside the network optimally so as to maximize the accuracy of the measurement results while limiting the overhead resulting from collected traffic. Within the ANR CMON project, we work on monitoring the quality of the Internet access by end-to-end probes, and on the detection and troubleshooting of network problems by collaboration among end users.

Next, is a sketch of our main contributions in this area.

  • Internet traffic classification by means of packet level statistics

    One of the most important challenges for network administrators is the identification of applications behind the Internet traffic. This identification serves for many purposes as in network security, traffic engineering and monitoring. The classical methods based on standard port numbers or deep packet inspection are unfortunately becoming less and less efficient because of encryption and the utilization of non standard ports. In this activity, we come up with an online iterative probabilistic method that identifies applications quickly and accurately by only using the size of packets. Our method associates a configurable confidence level to the port number carried in the transport header and is able to consider a variable number of packets at the beginning of a flow. By verification on real traces we observe that even in the case of no confidence in the port number, a very high accuracy can be obtained for well known applications after few packets were examined. In another work [39] , we make a complete study about the inter-packet time to prove that it is also a valuable information for the classification of Internet traffic. We discuss how to isolate the noise due to the network conditions and extract the time generated by the application. We present a model to preprocess the inter-packet time and use the result as input to the learning process. We discuss an iterative approach for the on line identification of the applications and we evaluate our method on two different real traces. The results show that the inter-packet time is an important parameter to classify Internet traffic.

    We pursued this activity further by accounting for the communication profiles of hosts for the purpose of a better traffic classification [39] , [38] , [40] . We use the packet size and the inter-packet time as the main features for the classification and we benefit from the traffic profile of the host (i.e. which application and how much) to refine the classification and decide in favor of this or that application. The host profile is then updated online based on the result of the classification of previous flows originated by or addressed to the same host. We evaluate our method on real traces using several applications. The results show that leveraging the traffic pattern of the host ameliorates the performance of statistical methods. They also prove the capacity of our solution to derive profiles for the traffic of Internet hosts and to identify the services they provide.

    For a more thorough study of the traffic classification problem by means of packet statistics and host profiles, we refer to the PhD dissertation of Mohamad Jaber who was the main contributor to this activity inside the EPI Planete.


  • Adaptive network-wide traffic monitoring


    The remarkable growth of the Internet infrastructure and the increasing heterogeneity of applications and users' behavior make more complex the manageability and monitoring of ISP networks and raises the cost of any new deployment. The main consequence of this trend is an inherent disagreement between existing monitoring solutions and the increasing needs of management applications. In this context, we work on the design of an adaptive centralized architecture that provides visibility over the entire network through a network-wide cognitive monitoring system. Given a measurement task, the proposed system drives its own configuration, typically the packet and flow sampling rates in routers, in order to address the tradeoff between monitoring constraints (processing and memory cost, collected data) and measurement task requirements (accuracy, flexibility, scalability). We motivate our architecture with an accounting application: estimating the number of packets per flow, where the flow can be defined in different ways to satisfy different objectives (e.g., Domain-to-Domain traffic, all traffic originated from a domain, destined to a domain). The architecture and the algorithms behind it are explained in paper published in 2010 for the case of a proactive control and in [43] for the case of a reactive control. In [44] the architecture and its algorithms are specified to a flow counting application. In all these works, the performances of our architecture are being validated in typical scenarios over an experimental platform we developed for the purpose of the study. Our platform is called MonLab (Monitoring Lab) and is described with more details in the Section on produced softwares. For now, MonLab presents a new approach for the emulation of Internet traffic and for its monitoring across the different routers. It puts at the disposal of users a real traffic emulation service coupled to a set of libraries and tools capable of Cisco NetFlow data export and collection, the overall destined to run advanced applications for network-wide traffic monitoring and optimization.

    The activities in this direction are funded by the ECODE FP7 STREP project (Sep. 2008 - Dec. 2011). The dissertation of Imed Lassoued [21] provides an introduction to the field in addition to details on our contributions and the MonLab emulation platform.


  • Spectral analysis of packet sampled traffic


    In network measurement systems, packet sampling techniques are usually adopted to reduce the overall amount of data to collect and process. Being based on a subset of packets, they hence introduce estimation errors that have to be properly counteracted by a fine tuning of the sampling strategy and sophisticated inversion methods. This problem has been deeply investigated in the literature with particular attention to the statistical properties of packet sampling and the recovery of the original network measurements. Herein, we propose a novel approach to predict the energy of the sampling error on the real time traffic volume estimation, based on a spectral analysis in the frequency domain. We start by demonstrating that errors due to packet sampling can be modeled as an aliasing effect in the frequency domain. Then, we exploit this theoretical finding to derive closed-form expressions for the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), able to predict the distortion of traffic volume estimates over time. The accuracy of the proposed SNR metric is validated by means of real packet traces. The analysis and the expressions of the SNR that stemmed from are described in [26] . In [52] , we adopt such a model to design a real-time algorithm, that sets the IPFIX counter export timers in order to grant, to each flow, a target estimation accuracy. The work within this direction has been partially supported by the FP7 ECODE project.


  • Monitoring the quality of the Internet access by end-to-end probes


    The detection of anomalous links and traffic is important to manage the state of the network. Existing techniques focus on detecting the anomalies but little attention has been devoted to quantify to which extent network anomaly affects the end user access link experience. We refer to this aspect as the local seriousness of the anomaly. In order to quantify the local seriousness of an anomaly, we consider the percentage of affected destinations, that we call the impact factor. In order to measure it, a host should monitor all possible routes to detect any variation in performance, but this is not practical in reality. In this activity, funded by the ANR CMON project, we work on finding estimates for the impact factor and the local seriousness of network anomalies through a limited set of measurements to random nodes we call landmarks.

    We initially study the user access network to understand the typical features of its connectivity tree. Then, we define an unbiased estimator for the local seriousness of the anomaly and a framework to achieve three main results: (i) the computation of the minimum number of paths to monitor, so that the estimator can achieve a given significance level, (ii) the localization of the anomaly in terms of hop distance from the local user, and (iii) the optimal selection of landmarks. We are using real data to evaluate in practice the local seriousness of the anomaly and to determine the sufficient number of landmarks to select randomly without knowing anything on the Internet topology. The localization mechanism leverages the study on the connectivity tree and the relationship between the impact factor and the minimum hop distance of an anomaly. Our first results show that the impact factor is indeed a meaningful metric to evaluate the quality of Internet access. The current work focuses on extending this solution towards a collaborative setting where different end users collaborate together by exchanging the results of their observations. The objective will be a better estimation of the impact factor by each of them and a finer localization of the origin of any network problem.

    On the experimental side, we have implemented the solution in a tool called ACQUA, which stands for Application for Collaborative Estimation of QUality of Internet Access  (http://planete.inria.fr/acqua/ ). We design an anomaly detection mechanism based on the histogram of delay measurements and the likelihood of observations. Then, we give to ACQUA a pipeline based software architecture, and we go deeply into experimentation inside and outside Planetlab. We show what the properties and usage of the algorithm are, focusing also on how this tool can help us to get information about the network anomalies detected. Later we extend the idea of Impact Factor Estimation (IFE) by using what we call Inverse IFE from Planetlab, where the computer of the user whose connectivity is tested has a completely passive role in the measurements procedure. We study its strong and weak points, and we show conditions under which Inverse IFE from Planetlab gives similar results to traditional IFE.


  • Applied Internet Measurements


    The performance of several Internet applications often relies on the measurability of path similarity between different participants. In particular, the performance of content distribution networks mainly relies on the awareness of content sources topology information. It is commonly admitted nowadays that, in order to ensure either path redundancy or efficient content replication, topological similarities between sources is evaluated by exchanging raw traceroute data, and by a hop by hop comparison of the IP topology observed from the sources to the several hundred or thousands of destinations. In this project, based on real data we collected, we advocate that path similarity comparisons between different Internet entities can be much simplified using lossy coding techniques, such as Bloom filters, to exchange compressed topology information. The technique we introduce to evaluate path similarity enforces both scalability and data confidentiality while maintaining a high level of accuracy. In addition, we demonstrate that our technique is scalable as it requires a small amount of active probing and is not targets dependent. This work has been published in [25] .


  • Reliability of Geolocation Databases


    In this project, we question the reliability of geolocation databases, the most widely used technique for IP geolocation. It consists in building a database to keep the mapping between IP blocks and a geographic location. Several databases are available and are frequently used by many services and web sites in the Internet. Contrary to widespread belief, geolocation databases are far from being as reliable as they claim. We conduct a comparison of several current geolocation databases -both commercial and free- to have an insight of the limitations in their usability. First, the vast majority of entries in the databases refer only to a few popular countries (e.g., U.S.). This creates an imbalance in the representation of countries across the IP blocks of the databases. Second, these entries do not reflect the original allocation of IP blocks, nor BGP announcements. In addition, we quantify the accuracy of geolocation databases on a large European ISP based on ground truth information. This is the first study using a ground truth showing that the overly fine granularity of database entries makes their accuracy worse, not better. Geolocation databases can claim country-level accuracy, but certainly not city-level. This study has been published in CCR [28] .


  • Impact of Live Streaming Traffic


    Video streaming is the most popular traffic in the Internet and a strong case for content centric networks. Therefore, it is fundamental to understand the network traffic characteristics of video streaming. In this work [49] , we extensively studied the network traffic characteristics of YouTube and Netflix (the most popular video streaming traffic in the USA). We have shown that the traffic characteristics vastly depends on the type of browser, mobile application, and container (Flash, Silverlight, HTLM5) used.